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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versión impresa ISSN 0004-0584versión On-line ISSN 1688-1249
ROBINO, Luciana et al. Fosfomycin for low urinary-tract infections in children of over 6 years of age. Clínical-microbiological evolution. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2020, vol.91, suppl.2, pp.24-33. Epub 01-Dic-2020. ISSN 0004-0584.
fosfomycin tromethamine (FT) is an alternative to the treatment of low urinary tract infection (UTI). Uruguay does not have information about its use in children.
to describe the clinical and microbiological evolution of a cohort of children older than 6 years of age with low UTI treated with FT.
Materials and methods:
we included children of over 6 years of age with low UTI from two health providers in Montevideo between 2/1/2018 and 6/30/2019. We prescribed a single dose of FT 2 g and a control urine culture to all patients. We carried out a telephone follow-up and assessed their clinical record, history of UTI, microorganisms, antimicrobial susceptibility and evolution: time of clinical resolution, microbiological resolution, adverse effects, and recurrence during the first 3 months.
46 children were included, median age 9.4 years, history of UTI 13. 44 presented dysuria, 33 tenesmus, 31 pollakiuria. Isolated microorganism: E. coli 43, S. saprophyticus 2, Proteus sp 1. All susceptible to FT, except S. saprophyticus, naturally resistant. Clinical resolution in 48 hours: 42. Control urine culture was obtained in 31/46 children: microbiological resolution 22, no resolution 5 and contaminated 4. Adverse effects 9: vomiting 1, diarrhea 8, and headache 1. Telephone follow-up carried out for 40 / 46 patients: reinfections after one month of treatment: 6.
microorganisms had not acquired resistance. Most cases showed clinical resolution during the first 48 hours. Adverse effects were mild. Reinfections occurred in a small proportion. The results support FT as a therapeutic alternative for low UTI for the case of children of over 6 years of age.
Palabras clave : Fosfomycin; Urinary tract infections; Microbial drug resistance; Child.