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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versión impresa ISSN 0004-0584versión On-line ISSN 1688-1249
CURUTCHAGUE, Sofía; GARCIA, Loreley; PIETRAFESA, Damián y GIACHETTO, Gustavo. Chronic malnutrition as a symptom of congenital duodenal webs: a case study. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2019, vol.90, n.4, pp.210-214. Epub 01-Ago-2019. ISSN 0004-0584.
Duodenal webs are a type of congenital intestinal atresia, which can cause complete or incomplete intestinal obstruction and whose prevalence is low. Sometimes, in case of fenestrated membranes and incomplete intestinal obstruction, the initial passage of liquids during exclusive breastfeeding can be linked to a late appearance and diagnosis. We hereby describe the case of a girl who showed chronic malnutrition as a late symptom of a congenital fenestrated duodenal membrane. Initial tests in search of the etiology of the malnutrition did not show alterations, and we reached a diagnosis at 13 months of age, after an intestinal obstruction. The purpose of this study is to raise pediatricians’ awareness regarding an uncommon cause of malnutrition after the first six months of age and to analyze how to deal with the diagnosis and therapy.
Palabras clave : Duodenal obstruction; Congenital abnormalities; Malnutrition.