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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versão impressa ISSN 0004-0584versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249
ZUNINO, Carlos; GARCIA, Loreley; BOULAY, Marie e PEREZ, Walter. Protection program for teen mothers of hospitalized children “Caring for caregivers”: First two years of experience. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2016, vol.87, suppl.1, pp.S48-S54. ISSN 0004-0584.
Introduction: “Caring for the caregivers” is an interdisciplinary and intersectorial program offered since 2013, which offers comprehensive care to mothers of hospitalized children by protecting their rights. Objective: To describe a protection program for teenagers that aims to bring teenage mothers of hospitalized children into the health system. Method: Design: observational, descriptive study. Period: 1/3/2013 - 1/3/2015. Inclusion criteria: mothers and / or caregivers under 19 years old. Results: 208 mothers and 2 caregivers hospitalized with their children were interviewed. 195 of them had no regular control or follow-up in the health system. Age range: 14-19 years. All of them were single and 11 lived with a partner. Education level: 150 had completed primary school, 22 had completed the third year of secondary school. Dropouts: 45 primary school, 128 secondary school. 180 caregivers were referred to the sexual and reproductive health service. 110 teenagers decided to adopt contraceptive methods. In 26 cases the dental coverage was achieved. 21 teenagers consulted ophthalmologists. In 26 cases, it was possible to refer them to existing social programs to help them resume education. All caregivers were controlled as to their health condition, they received their health card and tests were recorded in the first level of care. Discussion: This is the first experience to address the health services provision for caregivers of hospitalized children. Great vulnerability was identified in the adolescents included in the study, and it was possible to include them both in the health and education systems.