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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versão impressa ISSN 0004-0584versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249
AMARO, Verónica et al. Alcohol in children and teenagers: A view from the third level of care. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2016, vol.87, suppl.1, pp.S40-S47. ISSN 0004-0584.
Introduction: in Uruguay alcohol is the most abused drug with a negative impact on health that encourages risky behaviors. Objectives: to describe frequency of alcohol consumption among children and adolescents hospitalized in the Pereira Rossell Pediatric Hospital and to learn about its characteristics, impact, risks and protective factors. Methodology: a survey based on Alcohol Consumption Detection Guide and a brief intervention by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Social Development (2013) to patients aged 9-15 years, 24 hours after being hospitalized in transitional care, regardless of the reason for admission. Period: February 1 to March 31, 2015. Variables: age, sex, alcohol use, drinking days, risk pattern, awareness of consequences, risk and protective factors. Results: 202 patients were included in the study. Average age: 12 years, 79% ³11 years. Alcohol use was present in 9% of those < 11 and in 47% of those over 11 years old. In most cases children and teenagers had just tried it. In seventeen cases, there was alcohol abuse. Most children and adolescents denied the consequences of alcohol use. Protective factors are the following: education 78 (100%); role models 62 (79%); family support 67 (86%). Risk factors: Chronic diseases 26 (33%); emotional instability 30 (38.5%); domestic violence 17 (22%); abusive domestic consumption 62 (79.5%). Discussion: there are no national studies that address this problem from the third level of care. Alcohol is a socially accepted drug. The older consumers get, the more abusive the pattern is. The importance of screening in different health scenarios is evident, and strategies to address and follow up the condition are necessary.