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vol.87 número3Hábitos de fotoprotección en los niños que concurren a Dermatología Pediátrica del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rosell: Photoprotective habits in children seen at the Pediatric Dermatology Unit of CHPR índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0584versión On-line ISSN 1688-1249


MORAES, Mariana et al. Pain assessment in children hospitalized in public and private health institutions in Uruguay. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2016, vol.87, n.3, pp.198-209. ISSN 0004-0584.

Pain is a health problem often unrecognized and ignored in pediatrics. Objective: to report the prevalence of pain in hospitalized children: 24 hours before and during the interview. To describe intensity and prescribed treatment in patients with current pain. Methods: transversal study, on 06/12/13 at Pereira Rossell Hospital Center (PRHC) and on 20/1/14 in other institutions. Hospitalized children under 15 years old were included. “Patient in pain” was considered when the child or caregiver reported pain experienced in the previous 24 hours and/or at the time of the interview. Variables: age, gender, reason for admission, cognitive disorder, analgesic treatment indicated, route of administration, dosing interval, adjuvant and non-pharmacological treatments. Validated scales were used to assess intensity. Results: 168 hospitalized children, 109 at PRHC; prevalence of pain in the previous 24 hours: 35% (59/168) and during the interview: 15.5% (26/168). Intensity of pain found in children with current pain was: 8/26 mild, 14/26 moderate and 4/26 severe; 9/26 did not have any analgesic prescription. The most prescribed analgesic was: dipirone (11/17) and most prescribed association was: dipirone-ketoprofen (5/17). Interdose interval was inappropriate in 7/17; intravenous route of administration was indicated in 12/17; adjuvant and non-pharmacological treatments were found in one patient each. Conclusions: hospitalized children in pain and several problems in analgesic treatment prescription were found. Institutional policies directed to address this problem in management are needed.


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