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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

versión On-line ISSN 1688-1249


AMORIN, Belén; PEREZ, Leticia  y  MARTINEZ, Luis. Clinical and serologic follow-up of newborns with maternal Igm toxoplasmosis positive: Pediatrics Infectious Diseases Polyclinic. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2015, vol.86, n.1, pp.14-25. ISSN 1688-1249.

Introduction: Toxoplasma gondii infection during pregnancy can result in serious complications for the fetus and causes serious sequelae in the newborn. The study aimed to conduct a clinical and serological follow-up of newborns whose mothers were toxoplasma IgM positive during pregnancy and to analyze the clinical and serological evolution of those with congenital toxoplasmosis (CT) features. Method: descriptive, prospective, longitudinal study of newborns whose mothers were toxoplasma IgM positive during pregnancy and who were referred for follow-up to the Pediatrics Infectious Diseases Polyclinic. Escuela del Litoral Hospital, Paysandú, from June, 2008 through June, 2013. Results: out of  51 newborns assessed, 50 were term newborns with a mean birth weight of 3,120 g and 5 were small for gestational age (SGA). Two had microcephaly and 2 were exposed to other infections during pregnancy (syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus). Seven (13.7%) of the 42 (82.3%) newborns who completed follow-up CT were diagnosed with toxoplasmosis, and infection was ruled out in 35 (68.5%) newborns. In the latter half of the disappearance of IgG was 6.2 months. Three (43%) were infected symptomatic and had reactive IgM at birth. Four (57%) evidenced sequelae in evolution. Eight newborns were prescribed treatment, 3 of them completed it. In six (85.7%) of them infected maternal seroconversion during pregnancy was confirmed. Conclusions: although CT is not very common in our country, the disease is very important. The presence of maternal seroconversion forced to study and treat the newborns until infection is ruled out. Serology in the newborns demonstrates, in our environment, poor sensitivity and lack of other techniques necessary to undertake clinical and serological follow-up of IgM during the first year of life.


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