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vol.85 número3Ascaris lumbricoides: Complicaciones graves en niños hospitalizados en el Centro Hospitalario Pereira RossellTos convulsa, causa extraña de síndrome hemolítico urémico índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249


BAEZ, Paula et al. Characteristics of the population exposed to cocaine and cocaine base pulp during gestation in the CHPR. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2014, vol.85, n.3, pp.155-160. ISSN 1688-1249.

Summary  Introduction: consumption of cocaine base pulp (PBC) in Uruguay was identified as a Public Health problem from the economic crisis that hit the country in 2002. To identify consumption of this substance in pregnant women in clinical practice is frequently used the self-report. Since the maternal cocaine consumption can generate lawsuits and may jeopardize the custody of the child there is a significant percentage of underreporting. Newborn`s meconium can identify cocain-PBC use from the 20th week of gestation. Objectives: determine the prevalence during pregnancy in a hospital population, describe their characteristics and assess the value of self-report in reference to the determination in meconium. Methodology: the methodology used in this ptoject was a observational analytic cross-sectional study of the population assisted in the Hospital Center Pereira Rossell between November 2010 and March 2011. A protocolized survey about consumption habits was conducted after an informed agreeing consent and a meconium sample obtained for analysis. By ELISA screening of NEOGEN brand the presence of cocaine and its metabolites in meconium was determined with a sensitivity of 5 ng/gy 20 ng/g. Results: 227 Meconium valid samples were obtained for analysis. 9,5% were positive for the consumption of cocaine hydrochloride and PBC with a cutoff of 5 ng/g. It is emphasized that in cocaine users / PBC a statistically significant difference (p = 0,006) was observed in the average age 28,04 years (SD = 5,99) compared to the absence of consumption with an average of 24,66 (SD 5,42). Pregnant women consumers Cocaine / PBC during pregnancy are over 19 years. A significant difference was observed in the consumer population regarding to the presence of infectious types (vulvovaginitis / syphilis) p = 0,001. Reported income in the household in the PBC consuming population was below the poverty line. Also was found a significant association between cocaine consumes and marijuana-PBC consume. The specificity of the self-declaration was very high but the sensitivity was 14,3. Conclusions: a profile of pregnant women with PBC cocaine exposure can’t being identified by the health team. The use of psychoactive substances is associated with a higher incidence of sexually transmitted infections. It is necessary that both the public and private subsector health develop strategies for addressing this problem, because since the implementation of National Integrated Health children born in the public sector can then be assisted in the private sector, what was shown in the present study.


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