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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versión On-line ISSN 1688-1249
DALL’ ORSO1, Patricia et al. Ascaris lumbricoides: Serious complications in children hospitalized in the CHPR. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2014, vol.85, n.3, pp.149-154. ISSN 1688-1249.
Summary Infection caused by Ascaris lumbricoides (AL) is a geohelmintiasis; a health problem, especially in socially and environmenally vulnerable children. Lack of sewage and drinking water, overcrowding, precarious housing and poor hygiene are the main risk factors. The impact of this disease has not been clearly defined yet in Uruguay. The existence of severe cases of infection by AL suggests the presence of high prevalence areas. The aim of this communication is to warn about the presence of complications and severe forms of this intestinal parasitosis. The pathogenic aspects were reviewed together with the work-up and treatment modalities. Seven children in-patients between 01/01/2007 and 31/05/2012, over 18 months and under 59 months were included; all living in precarious houses, of which five lacked sewage and an indoor toilet. The complications associated with it were: multiple lung and liver abscesses, subocclusive syndrome, intestinal occlusion, Loffler syndrome, biliary peritonitis due to common bile duct perforation and colangitis. Abdominal symptoms were the most frequent. Mean hospital stay was 11 days. Four children were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, two required parenteral nutrition and two required y ventilatory support. Imaging studies were carried out in all cases. Three children required surgical treatment. They all survived. This condition is a “poverty marker” and is directly related with the population’s living conditions. Prevention and strengthening the measures for promotion contribute to control this disease. Policies to eradicate conditions of social exclusion are necessary to overcome the conditions of social exclusion, identifying risk areas with intersectoral interventions.