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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

versión On-line ISSN 1688-1249


PEREZ, Leticia et al. Esquemas atrasados y oportunidades perdidas de vacunación en niños de hasta 36 meses del departamento de Paysandú: Año 2012. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2013, vol.84, suppl.1, pp.3-12. ISSN 1688-1249.

Summary  Vaccination programs succeeded in diminishing vaccine-preventable diseases. Overdue vaccination schemes reflect the population exposed to vaccine-preventable diseases. Objectives: 1) To investigate the proportion of overdue vaccination schemes (OVS) in children bellow 36 months of age in Paysandu. 2) Analyze OVS causes and lost vaccination opportunities (LVO). Methodology: cross-sectional descriptive study of four cohorts of children of 6, 12, 24 and 36 months born in Paysandu. Information was retrieved from interviews to the parents and the vaccination scheme card (VSC). Results: a total of 399 children, of 6 (28%), 12 (25%), 24 (25%) and 36 (21%) months were interviewed, and 60% belonged to the public health system. Results indicate a 16.5% of OVS with a distribution of: 24%, 9%, 20% and 12% for 6, 12, 24 and 36 months respectively, with a significant difference between public (22%) and private (9%) sectors. The main factors associated with OVS were lower maternal education level, larger amount of children, unemployed mothers, inadequate health checks and not checking VSC. Results found a 61% of LVO from which 81% corresponded to primary care. The main reasons for OVS were mild disease (38%) and economic situation (20%). Conclusions: the OVS rate was lower than in other regional studies; even though, better vaccination coverage must be achieved, mainly in younger children, in the public sector and in vulnerable socio-economic groups; to reinforce educational campaigns to eradicate false contraindications and make the sanitary personnel aware of the importance of controlling VSC.


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