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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

On-line version ISSN 1688-1249


MORAES, Mario et al. Infección congénita por citomegalovirus: Primer reporte nacional de tratamiento con valganciclovir vía oral en recién nacidos. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2013, vol.84, n.4, pp.275-280. ISSN 1688-1249.

Summary  Congenital CMV is the leading etioloy for non-genetic sensorineural hearing loss. The utilization of valganciclovir, prodrug of ganciclovir with acceptable oral bioavailability, is currently an extended recommendation as part of pharmacological treatment. The indication for pharmacological treatment includes symptomatic newborns with neurological affectation or severe focal organ disease, within the first 30 days of life. The greatest benefit in newborn treatment is the decrease of hearing loss and declination of hearing thresholds. Initial treatment with ganciclovir followed by oral valganciclovir has proved a better outcome in auditory development in contrast to short term therapy. Two cases of congenital CMV are being reported, of different clinical presentation during the period of September-October 2013. In both cases a symptomatic improvement is reported after treatment with ganciclovir-valganciclovir. Regarding the follow up of urine viral load, a sustained decrease has been proved during treatment. The main side-effect was the occurrence of anemia


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