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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249
PINCHAK, María Catalina et al. Calidad de vida del niño asmático y su cuidador en centros públicos y privados de Montevideo (2009 a 2010) . Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2013, vol.84, n.1, pp.10-17. ISSN 1688-1249.
Summary Introduction: measuring quality of life in asthma is important for treatment purposes because it reflects a patient’s functional status. Objective: to determine the quality of life of asthmatic children and their caregivers in three health centers and determining the relationship between the quality of life and disease control. Methods: a cross-sectional, multi-center study of asthmatic children between 7 and 15 years old, from March 2009 to July 2010. Two questionnaires regarding quality of life in asthma of Juniper were applied (PAQLQ for the child and PACQLQ for the caretaker) and previously validated in Uruguay. Impaired quality of life was attributed to an average of less than 5 points. Asthmatic children were classified as controlled or uncontrolled according to GINA. The relationship between the quality of life and disease control was assessed. Statistical assessments included mean, median and percentages, using a c2 analysis with a p value of p<0,05. Results: 195 patients and caregivers were surveyed, with the classification according to GINA guidelines performed in 174 patients. Overall impact on quality of life was present in 28,7% of children and 60% of caregivers. 70% of patients were classified with controlled asthma. The impact on quality of life was presented in 73% of patients with uncontrolled asthma (p <0,05). There was no difference in age (children versus adolescents) or gender. The impact on quality of life in the three PAQLQ/LACQLG domains (limitation of activity, emotional function and symptoms) was associated with poor asthma control in children. Caregivers were more negatively affected than asthmatic children in terms of overall quality of life, emotional function and limitation of activities. Conclusions: in this study, most children experienced no significant impact on quality of life. However, the management of disease was shown to greatly affect quality of life. The effects experienced in the different PAQLQ/LACQLG domains varied considerably between caregivers and asthmatic children. The burden on individuals involved in caring for asthmatic children may stem from varying perspectives on the disease between patient and caregiver