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vol.79 issue4Conceptos, actitudes y prácticas en salud sobre prevención de lesiones en niños menores de 10 añosAgujeros parietales gigantes: . A propósito de un caso author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

On-line version ISSN 1688-1249


GONZALEZ, Gabriel et al. Moyamoya en la población infantil no asiática: Ampliación de casuística. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2008, vol.79, n.4, pp.291-302. ISSN 1688-1249.

Moyamoya's disease or syndrome is a rare illness wich causes symptoms of cerebral ischemia due to intracranial arteries' stenosis, with secondary abnormal vasculature networks at the base of the brain. Since the first description of moyamoya disease done by a group of Japanese neurosurgeons more than 50 years ago, this rare illness is still considered an intriguing disease. The clinical features, treatment, imaging findings and outcomes of a series of not Asian children with Moyamoya disease are described in this study. A total of 19 six year old patients were analyzed. The initial presentation in 12 patients was infarctions, 2 with epilepsy and mental retardation, another 2 who had personal history of epilepsy and mental retardation developed symptoms of ischemic stroke (one of them), and hemorrhagic stroke the other one; 1experienced language problems, while in the last two the diagnosis was casual. On the other hand, 12 patientes were considered idiopathic cases (moyamoya's disease) and 7 were related to systemic illnes (moyamoya's syndrome). Initial diagnosis was achieved by magnetic resonance angiography in 10 cases, and conventional angiography in 9. All patients were followed up for a mean period of 5 years. While 11 patients experienced clinical worsening of symptoms, 6 asymptomatic. However, all of them showed angiographic progression. Seven patients underwent bypass surgery with no further complications, 2 passed away and 14 remained with moderate handicaps. A number of surgical procedures have been developed for revascularization, improving the outcome of some of these patients by preventing ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Due to the fact that moyamoya disease is not a silent disorder and its progress cause complications, surgical revascularization should always be considered in the management of these patients


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