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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 1688-1249
DELFINO, Marcos et al. Infección intrahospitalaria por rotavirus en salas generales de pediatría del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2006, vol.77, n.4, pp.349-354. ISSN 1688-1249.
Summary Introduction: rotavirus is a common cause of worldwide diarrhea being the first cause of this disease in developed countries. In developing countries like ours, is an important cause of communitarian and nosocomial diarrhea. Objective: to describe nosocomial diarrhea cases which took place in the first eight-month period after the incorporation of rotavirus investigation into the nosocomial infections study. Methods: from April first to December 31, 2002, patients between 0 to 14 years old were included as cases of nosocomial diarrhea to the 'Nosocomial Infections Committee' from the Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell. Stool sample was used for the diagnosis, which was processed at the virology section of the Bacteriology and Virology department from the Hygiene Institution. Positive samples were processed at the Virology section from the Science University where the electrophoretic characterization in poliacrilamide gel was realized. The following data was analyzed: age, nutritional status, cause of hospitalization, duration of disease, evolution and complications, and hospitalization time. Results: all rotavirus detected had long electrophoretic pattern. The percentage of nosocomial diarrhea associated to rotavirus at Pereira Rossell Hospital in the period studied was 40%. Average age was 10,9 months, half of them with a good nutritional status. 50% of the affected children had an acute viral respiratory tract infection since the beginning. Diarrhea appeared approximately after a week and lasted four days. Hospitalization lasted an average of 13 days and 5 children had mild complications. Discussion: the risk of nosocomial infections increases with the duration of hospitalization and has an important morbidity shown in this study as in other studies as well. It is necessary to improve the notification of the cases and continue studying the genotype. It is recommended: frequent handwashing, patients grouping, early delays, and health personnel education. Future studies will establish serotypes and genotypes of different rotavirus at different institutions in order to establish the potential efficacy of the vaccine in the next years.