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vol.77 número3Malformaciones congénitas: incidencia y presentación clínicaTratamiento quirúrgico de las cardiopatías congénitas: resultados de 213 procedimientos consecutivos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

versão On-line ISSN 1688-1249


QUIAN, Jorge et al. Infecciones por Bordetella pertussis en niños menores de un año hospitalizados y sus contactos del hogar. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2006, vol.77, n.3, pp.229-236. ISSN 1688-1249.

Objective: determine the presence of BP infection in hospitalized children under one year of age and determine the source of infection. Methods: a descriptive, epidemiological, prospective and multicentric study was realized. 200 hospitalized patients with respiratory arrest, apneas and/or bradycardia or with cough spasms with cyanosis or whooping were included. PCR and BP culture were done. House contacts were also studied. Results: from the total whole, 25 patients had a positive PCR for BP and 7 had a positive culture; in 5 patients the infection was confirmed by serology. Compared with the group without BP infection, the main difference found was the duration of cough which was 47 days for the BP group and 14 days for the rest (p=0.03) There were 130 contacts in the 25 homes. Of the 70 contacts included, 32 were confirmed. The average age was 18 years old or older and in 13 cases it was the mother. Conclusions: most infections caused by BP occur in Montevideo. Adults are the main source of infection. New strategies in order to prevent this disease should be considered in the future


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