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vol.77 issue1Parálisis facial periférica aguda idiopática en niñosÍndice de cobertura de la vacuna antihepatitis B en una población de riesgo author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

On-line version ISSN 1688-1249


DE MUCIO, BREMEN et al. Primera experiencia nacional de vacunación antiinfluenza en población infantil. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2006, vol.77, n.1, pp.13-17. ISSN 1688-1249.

Summary The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the anti-influenza vaccine in reducing hospitalizations in children between 6 and 23 months of age with acute lower respiratory infections (ALRI) at the states of Paysandú and Salto (Uruguay). In those states a case-control study was carried out involving public and private institutions from June to November 2004. The population studied were the hospitalized children aged from 6 to 23 months of age with ALRI. The controls were children of the same ages attending the same health services but disease free. The relation between case-control was of 1:1 and the effectiveness of the vaccine was estimated on an OR of minus 1. The vaccine coverage was low, 21,5% in Salto, 15,1% in Paysandú and 15,5% in the whole country. Only 70,9% of the required number of cases and controls were enrolled: 84,2% in Salto (139 cases/139 controls) and 57,6% in Paysandú (95 cases/95 controls). Children who were assumed to be fully protected were 13,3% in Salto and 6,3% in Paysandú, and 10,5% in the total. The vaccine was effective in reducing hospitalizations in Salto (OR 95% IC=0,37 0,16-0,83), but this was not the case in Paysandú (OR 95% IC=1,43 0,39-5,49). In spite of the low coverage and the interference of the viral activity, a positive effect was verified in Salto. Therefore it is possible to conclude that with an earlier application of the vaccine and with a higher coverage, rewarding results can be achieved


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