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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

versión On-line ISSN 1688-1249


CHIESA, PEDRO et al. Ventana aortopulmonar asociada a interrupción del arco aórtico: Descripción de tres casos clínicos. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2004, vol.75, n.2, pp.142-149. ISSN 1688-1249.

We discuss our recent experience of three infants (age: 3 days; 4 days; 4 months) with associated aorto-pulmonary window (APW) and interrupted aortic arch (IAA), differing in presentation and anatomy. All the patients received conventional therapy, inclouding prostaglandin E1 infusion to mantain ductal patency in the two neonates. Ultrasound investigation was the mainstem of diagnosis, confirmed by countercurrent aortography. Two patients had type I APW, the third had type II. All of them associated IAA type A. Case 1 was treated without cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), closing the APW by ligation and doing the repair of the IAA by interposition of a segment from the left superior vena cava. Postoperative (PO) complicated because of phrenic nerve paralysis requiring plicature and gastric ulcer, treated surgically. After discharge, this patient required baloon aortoplasty because of obstruction at the site af the venous graft, with satisfactory result on the short term. Case 2 had also surgery without CPB, closing the APW by ligation and employing the left carotid artery to restore arch continuity. Uneventful recovery. Case 3 had closure of the APW under CPB, and termino-terminal anastomosis for repair of the IAA. PO with severe pulmonary hypertension, died on PO day 1.


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