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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay

versión On-line ISSN 1688-1249


SASTRE, DIANA; ZABALA, CRISTINA  y  LANZA, ANDREA. Atención de niños con síndrome de Down. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2004, vol.75, n.2, pp.125-132. ISSN 1688-1249.

Introduction: Down’s syndrome (SD) is the most frequent congenital cause of mental retard. What is more, these children have more risk of having medical pathologies and to present congenital abnormalities. Objetives: to know some aspects that have relation to the attention the children with SD are having in their admission at the Pediatric Hospital Center Pereira Rossel (CHPR) in order to improve its quality. Method and materials: the clinic histories of the children with SD that were admitted to the Pediatric Clinic "A" of the CHPR between January 1998 and December 1999 were reviewed. The information about the children, the care they received and the clinic and paraclinic following were recorded. Results: in the period of the study, 26 children with SD were admitted with an average of 3 hospitalizations per patient. The middle age at the first admission was 22 months, 21 patients had cardiovascular malformations with a high frequency of medical pathologies associated. The medical recordings, the quality of the health care and the following of the clinical histories were not normal. Conclusions: in order to improve the quality of the health care of these children, a card in which the clinical recordings were kept was designed directed to the first level of care and a form for clinical records of the hospitalizations was also designed. It is of a great importance the relationship between parents, doctors and the Down Association of Uruguay.

Palabras clave : DOWN SYNDROME.

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