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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 1688-1249
SEHABIAGUE, GRACIELA; BELLO, OSVALDO; GORGAL, NELLY and CALIGARIS, MERY. Neumonía en la infancia: Comparación de la asistencia domiciliaria y hospitalaria. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2001, vol.72, n.2, pp.102-109. ISSN 1688-1249.
In order to prove that it is possible to accomplish ambulatory treatment in the bearing children of pneumonia, dependent users of the Health Ministry Public and propose an organized system of domiciliary attention, was accomplished a prospective, comparative and random study in forty children, both sexes, six month greats and minors of six years. Twenty were admitted to the hospital and twenty attended at home. We included children with pneumonia bacterial presumably for judgement clinical and radiological. To all the patients was accomplished clinic history, X-torax ray, CBC and blood cultures. The admitted children, five year old smallers, received 300 mg/kg/day intravenous ampicillin and the 5 year old greats, 200.000 U/kg/day intravenous penicillin G in four daily doses. The children treated al home received 100 mg/kg/day amoxicillin v/o in three daily doses, during ten days. All the patients were controlled to the second, fourth and tenth initiate days treatment. The four cohorts were similar, no showing meaningful differences. Forty patients that they were followed by the same medical that captured them, didn’t show meaningful deviation in the evolution. The clinic evolution of both groups was similar, didn’t search failures or complications. All the patients were cure or improvement without adverse effects evidence to the antibiotics used. It is concluded that it is possible, observing established criterius, to accomplish treatment al home in the pneumonia bacterial presumably, in six month greater children and minors of six years, even with social risk, tachypnea, intercostal retractions and consolidation radiological. The succeful was soport to an appropiate outpatient management with trained professionals. We propose an organized system outpatient assistance treatment in children with pneumonia, dependent users of Public Health.