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Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 1688-1249
PEREZ, W et al. Traumatismo de cráneo grave en cuidados intensivos pediátricos. Arch. Pediatr. Urug. [online]. 2001, vol.72, n.1, pp.38-44. ISSN 1688-1249.
With the objectives of knowing the clinical and paraclinic characteristics and evaluate the validity of some of the scores used in our Unit, we evaluated in prospective form the patients entered by severe head injury to our unit. 54 children were included constituting 4% of the total of revenues of the unit between May 1998 and February 2000. The medium age was of 7 years (range 3 months to 14 years). 63% were male. 50% of the accidents happened between the 18 and 22 hours. 11% happened in the home, 13% in institutions and 76% in the public road. 92% were urban accidents. 16% of the children had pathological antecedents. The traffic was the most frequent cause. 82% of the patients was not attended in the scene of the trauma. They were carried out a stocking of 2.5 transfers before arriving at the hospital. The delay in the entrance to UCIN was of 18 hours. The initial complications in these patients were: convulsions 22%, hypotension 28%, hypoxemia or breathing untenable 40%. 95% of the patients presented initial coma. Hipoxemia and the maintained shock were related statistically with the mortality. 41% of the patients presented deficit neurological alterations to the high one. In this series there was 13% of mortality during the acute period of the traumatism. 89% of CAT at admittance were pathological. We related the tomographic lesion with the neurological alterations, the Coma Glasgow Scale and the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) and the deaths not finding significant associations. We found that the isolated TEC or associated to other lesions is a frequent reason of entrance in our Unit. A poor assistance covering exists in the moment of the accident and an excessive delay in the adoption of the appropriate treatment including the admittance to UCIN. Traffic is the main responsible for these serious lesions and the bicycle has a growing importance. Prolonged hypoxemia and shock are of bad presage. The fifth part of the patients required neurosurgery with a bigger incidence than that found in the literature. It is a group of risk, with high incidence of alterations neurological and high mortality.
Keywords : Traumatic brain injury; Pediatric intensive care.