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Revista Uruguaya de Cardiología
Print version ISSN 0797-0048On-line version ISSN 1688-0420
GIAMBRUNO, Mónica et al. Cardiovascular diseases: what do women in Uruguay perceive?. Rev.Urug.Cardiol. [online]. 2022, vol.37, n.1, e201. Epub May 01, 2022. ISSN 0797-0048.
although cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the main cause of death for women in Uruguay, they do not perceive it.
the purpose of this study was to evaluate the perception, knowledge, and prevention behaviors of CVD among women by age group, socioeconomic level (SEL), and region, as well as knowledge of risk factors, symptoms, and heart-healthy behaviors.
Method and result:
online survey of 700 women residents of Uruguay (Montevideo: 301, interior of the country: 399), was conducted in 2020, ages between 20 and 70 years. Advertising was scheduled on social networks, calling the target population to participate in that research by completing a selfadministered survey, obtaining a set of cases with a similar distribution to the general population in terms of SEL and age. CVD was perceived in 10% as the main health problem (HP) and 18% as the first CD. Women from Montevideo vs. interior had higher levels of perception (HP: 13% vs. 7%-CD: 20% vs. 17%); as well as those of high vs. those of mediumlow SEL (HP: 17% vs. 8%-CD: 29% vs. 14%). The perception and knowledge about CVD are low, with young women being the least informed (little/very little: 62%). Doctors report little on symptoms (23%) and prevention (48%).
the perception of the women surveyed about CVD is low, with gaps by age, NSE and region. Doctors inform little about this topic during clinical visits. A continuous effort is necessary to improve women’s perception of CVD in their own gender, trying to reach mainly the populations at greatest risk.
Keywords : Perception; Women; Cardiovascular disease; Risk factors; Prevention and control.