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Revista Uruguaya de Cardiología
versión impresa ISSN 0797-0048versión On-line ISSN 1688-0420
LOZA, Gimena et al. Syncope and cardiorespiratory arrest, severe forms of presentation of central pulmonary embolism. Report of three clinical cases. Rev.Urug.Cardiol. [online]. 2021, vol.36, n.2, e402. Epub 01-Dic-2021. ISSN 0797-0048.
Pulmonary thromboembolism has a varied clinical presentation. It is essential to have a high index of suspicion to arrive at a timely diagnosis. Syncope is associated with severe cases and is of prognostic significance. Thrombolytic treatment is the cornerstone in the subgroup of high-risk patients. Three clinical cases of high-risk pulmonary thromboembolism are presented in order to discuss the clinical presentation scenario and the established treatment.
Palabras clave : Pulmonary embolism; Syncope; Thrombolysis.