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Revista Uruguaya de Cardiología
versão On-line ISSN 1688-0420
TRUJILLO, Pedro et al. Radiation protection to the first operator in coronary right radial access procedures. Rev.Urug.Cardiol. [online]. 2015, vol.30, n.2, pp.131-138. ISSN 1688-0420.
It has been reported that lead pelvic protection applied to the patient reduces radiation dose received by the first operator (PO) during coronary angiography (CA) by radial and femoral access. Objective: the main objective is to evaluate the effect of using pelvic leaded protection (4P) on the radiation received by the first operator (PO) in CA procedures with or without PTCA and/or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) by right radial approach. Secondary objectives are: comparison of dose of the PO in CA and PTCA with international standard values and correlation between emitted doses by angiograph and received doses in patients with and without 4P. Method: we performed a prospective and randomized trial about patients who underwent CA with or without PTCA. Patients were randomly assigned to the use of pelvic protection, consisting of a 0,5 mm lead equivalent skirt, placed between the waist and the knees. In all cases th ePO used a lead equivalent skirt, vest and cervical collar as well as leaded glasses, hanging screen and a lead curtain under the patient table. First operator dosimetry (FOD) was measured with a DMC detector 3.000 (energy range: 15 KeV-7 MeV, measuring range: 1 mSv -10 SV) located on the outer left side of the cervical collar. Results: a total of 100 patients (P) were included. The average age was 64 years and 39% were women. 56 P received only CA and the remaining 44 received additional PTCA. The average values of fluoroscopy time (FT), scenes number (SN) and FOD for CA and PTCA were: 6,9/16,6 minutes, 10/21 scenes and 24/33 Sv respectively and compared with international standards values showed no statistically significant differences. Two groups according to randomization were defined, 47 P in the group with pelvic protection (4P group) and 53 in the group without it (no 4P group). Baseline characteristics as well as the number of PTCA and their characteristics were similar between groups. The radiation related results for the 4P group vs no 4P group were the following: KERMA-area product (mGym2) 8374,5 ±1006 vs 8959,1, p=0,705, FOD (mSv) 40,4±5,9 vs 36,7±5,4, p=0,642, total radiation (mGy) 1545,3±190,9 vs 1649,6±219,8, p=0,724, FT (minutes) 11,6±1,4 vs 10,7±1,4, p=0,654, SN 14 vs 11, p=0,981. Conclusion: in this “real world” scenario, the use of pelvic protection was not associated with a decrease in radiation dose to the first operator or with a change in the PDA-DPO ratio during CA and PTCA performed by right radial approach and by operators with standard radiation parameters.