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vol.29 número1Angioplastia en el infarto agudo de miocardio dentro de las 24 horas de evolución: Análisis de la casuística uruguaya 2004-2012 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Uruguaya de Cardiología

versión On-line ISSN 1688-0420


FARRO, Federico et al. Composición y biomecánica  de placas de ateroma carotídeas: Análisis comparativo de la distensibilidad arterial a lo largo del eje longitudinal en arterias carótidas control y con placas de ateroma de diferente composición. Rev.Urug.Cardiol. [online]. 2014, vol.29, n.1, pp.17-31. ISSN 1688-0420.

Introduction: the aterosclerotic disease and its complications are the most frequent cause of death in the world. An analysis of the relationship between structural and mechanic parameters of the carotid aterome plaque (CAP) is mandatory in the need of improving our knowledge concerning the mechanisms that would favor the mechanic fatigue of the plaque material and its complication. Objectives: analize the carotid distensibility in healthy persons and with patients with CAP according to their structural composition. Methods: 100 asymptomatic individuals were studied, with CAP (n=36) and without CAP (n=64). CAP persons were classified according to the standard levels of greys and color mapping in lipidic (L), fibrolipidic (FL) and fibrous/calcified (FC). B-mode Ultrasound with applanation tonometry were combined and the distensibility was quantified along the longitudinal axis in five sectors to the level of the CAP and in the normal carotid artery. Results: 71 CAP (35 L, 16 FL y 20 FC) were classified all in low-level distensibility arterial segments compared to healthy arteries. The FC CAP showed more rigidity in the proximal shoulder compared to the L and FL that behave more homogeneously in all their sectors. Conclusion: the L and FL CAPs (considered of major risk) did not present the parietal rigidity significant change observed in the FC CAP, considered of low complication risk. These biomechanic differences related to the global composition of the CAP could have an implication in the pathogenesis of the plaque complication.


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