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Revista Uruguaya de Cardiología

versión On-line ISSN 1688-0420


ALBORNOZ, Henry; MORALES, Marcelo; SAONA, Gustavo  y  PERNA, Abayubá. Mortalidad a 30 días y factores de riesgo preoperatorios en la cirugía de reemplazo valvular aórtico en Uruguay. Rev.Urug.Cardiol. [online]. 2009, vol.24, n.3, pp.171-179. ISSN 1688-0420.

FNR is a national system to grant financing for highly specialized medical services; finances 380 aortic valve replacements (AVR) annually. Objective: to evaluate 30-day mortality and preoperative risk factors in AVR made in Uruguay between 1st January 2003 and 31st December 2007. Methods: all consecutive isolated AVR and combined with coronary bypass (AVRC) were included. Register of FNR database included data about all cardiac surgeries in the country. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used for develop a risk model. Results: 1.930 patients (age 68,4 years, male 60,2%) were included. 30-day mortality was 6,6% (127), isolate AVR 5,6% (59/1.061) and AVRC 7,8% (68/869). Variables in the model were female and age between 60-69 years (OR 4,96; IC95% 1,33-18,55), female and age between 70-79 years (OR 3,6; IC95% 0,99-13,13), female and age ³ 80 years (OR 4,86; IC95% 1,09-21,72), male and age ³ 80 years (OR 6,97; IC95% 1,60-30,37), active endocarditis (OR 4,1; IC95% 1,28-13,11), diminished ejection fraction (EF): EF 30 to 50% (OR 1,84; IC95% 1,20-2,81) and EF <30% (OR 2,23; IC95% 1,32-3,78), previous cardiac surgery (OR 3,79; IC95% 2,25-6,36), preoperative critical state (OR 6.18; IC95% 2.34-16.32) and class IV cardiac failure of NYHA (OR 2.13; IC95% 0,97-4,66). The discrimination of logistic risk model was good (c-index: 0,72) and the internal calibration also (Hosmer-Lemeshow test, p=0,928). Conclusions: 30-day mortality in AVR was 6,6% and was associated to patient factors (age, sex), cardiovascular disease factors (active endocarditis, previous cardíac surgery, class IV of cardíac failure, EF) and to preoperative clinical state. The risk model could be useful for clinical decisions and patient information.


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