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Revista Uruguaya de Cardiología
On-line version ISSN 1688-0420
BIANCO, EDUARDO. Las estrategias para el control del tabaco y su racionalidad. Rev.Urug.Cardiol. [online]. 2005, vol.20, n.3, pp.171-195. ISSN 1688-0420.
SUMMARY Tobacco consumption is the main worldwide avoidable death causing, regarding World Health Organization (WHO). Annually, tobacco kills more people than AIDS, traffic accidents, alcohol, illegal drugs, homicides and suicides, together. Most of the tobacco related deaths are caused by cardiovascular diseases. Usually, the smoker initiates their consumption and gets hooked by an addiction, as strong as cocaine or heroin, when he is a teen. Recently, Uruguayan's Government announced some decrees that got mass media attention and the tobacco problem fully reached public opinion, causing debate regarding measures appropriateness. By disinformation, health care professionals, including cardiologists, have stood long time aside to our professional and ethic responsibility related to the tobacco control issue. This review article expects giving information about the nature, magnitude and features of the tobacco problem, in order to help many cardiologists to understand this complex matter as well as the rationality of the measures proposed and the ones that will be announced in a short time. All these measures integrate the WHO- Framework Convention for Tobacco Control, the first health global treaty that Uruguay ratified. The treaty entranced in force and our country is committed to enforce.