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vol.20 número3Disipación energética y protección vascular durante la hipertensión arterial sistémica: rol del músculo lisoFactores asociados con enfermedad valvular aórtica en pacientes con falla renal índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Uruguaya de Cardiología

versión On-line ISSN 1688-0420


BIA, DANIEL et al. Evaluación de la función arterial mediante estudios in vivo e in vitro: validación de homoinjertos arteriales criopreservados. Rev.Urug.Cardiol. [online]. 2005, vol.20, n.3, pp.136-149. ISSN 1688-0420.

SUMMARY Introduction: cryopreserved vessels emerge as an option of growing interest in the search for vascular substitutes that overcome the limitations of those nowadays available due to conduit (CF) and buffering (BF) function mismatch between prosthesis and native arteries. In this way, in our Instituto Nacional de Donación y Trasplante de Órganos, Tejidos y Células techniques of cryopreservation have been used to preserve and storage vascular segments to be used as grafts. Objectives: to evaluate: 1) the capability of the employed cryopreservation methodology, to preserve the functional behaviour of cryopreserved/defrosted homografts, and 2) the functional similarity between potential recipient arteries and both, cryopreserved/defrosted homografts, and currently used vascular substitutes. Methods: carotid pressure (tonometry) and diameter (ultrasound) were measured in normotensive and hypertensive subjects. In in vitro studies, during  haemodynamic conditions similar to those of in vivo, pressure, diameter and wall thickness were measured in segments of fresh and cryopreserved/defrosted carotid arteries and saphenous veins from multiorgan donors, and in expanded politetrafluorethyilene (ePTFE) prosthesis. The CF was calculated as 1/Zc (Zc: characteristic impedance) and the BF as h /E (h, E: viscous and elastic modulus, respectively). Results: fresh and cryopreserved/defrosted homografts did not show biomechanical, nor functional differences, neither during normotensive, nor during hypertensive conditions. Both, during hypertensive and normotensive situations the cryopreserved/defrosted homografts evidenced the major biomechanical and functional similarity with the subjects’ arteries. Conclusion: the cryopreservation technique employed did not modify the functional capacity of the vascular homografts. Cryopreserved/defrosted homografts were the vascular substitutes with the major functional similarity with potential native arteries.


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