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Revista Uruguaya de Cardiología
versión On-line ISSN 1688-0420
SANDOYA, Edgardo; SCHETTINI, Carlos; BIANCHI, Manuel y SENRA, Hugo. ELEMENTOS ASOCIADOS A BUEN CONTROL DE LA PRESIÓN ARTERIAL EN INDIVIDUOS HIPERTENSOS. Rev.Urug.Cardiol. [online]. 2005, vol.20, n.2, pp.86-93. ISSN 1688-0420.
SUMMARY Background: hipertensión in highly prevalent and had bad in our country, for what to help to inprove the current situation, we studied the related variables to good blood pressure (BP) control. Method: we analyzed 803 hypertensive of 2.070 participants in our hypertension survey, those who were asked about knowledge, attitudes and fulfilment. BP, weight and height were measured and the clinical records were checked, analyzing the medical actions. Results: between the aware hypertensive, female gender, be aware of the risk of stroke, to have minor BP of the one that believes, to consult in the last 6 months and to take the medications regularly were associated with good control of the BP. Between unaware hypertensive there are more men and more individuals with BP higher than they believe. In this group the physician noted down less times the BP and the diagnosis of hypertension in the clinical record and measured less times the BP in the last consultation. Conclusions: to promote the regular medical visit, to educate about the risk of stroke, to stimulate the adherence to treatment with special emphasis on the men, to measure the BP in all the consultations and to note down the results in the case history, it would allow obtaining a better control of the BP between the hipertensive patients. To implement these measurements in our usual pratice would help to improve the scare 14% of hypertensive with controlled BP and to reducing, the high stroke rate in our community.