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Revista Uruguaya de Cardiología
On-line version ISSN 1688-0420
CAMPS, XAVIER; FRASCHERI, MARTA and BURONI, CRISTINA. Análisis del funcionamiento de un programa de cesación de tabaquismo. Rev.Urug.Cardiol. [online]. 2005, vol.20, n.1, pp.16-20. ISSN 1688-0420.
Tobacco use is considered by WHO as the main preventable cause of death (1). Most of tobacco users want to quit smoking, but it is not easy to accomplish. It is considered that 30% of tobacco users cannot quit smoking without professional help. There is a general consent that a multiple treatment, using conduct techniques plus nicotine substitution and bupropion, constitutes the best method for smoking cessation. The objective of the study was to evaluate the performance of our tobacco cessation program during the first two years. We analyzed, at random, the data of 206 patients who started the cessation program. We phone polled those who reached the cessation in order to know their evolution. We verified a 53% of cessation among those who started the treatment, without significative sex differences (p=0,77). Among those patients 92% attended more than seven sessions. We verified a 40,5% relaps (41 patients), 9 of them restarted the program and 7 recovered the abstinence. Therefore, we verified that 66,3% of the patients who reached the abstinence, still keep it during the 2-years program. In summary: the cessation program constitutes an important therapeutic tool, since at the moment of presenting this study, 33,8% patients still maintain the abstinence as from the beginning of the program, while the yearly rate of spontaneous abstinence among the total of tobacco users is only 5% as per international literature (2).