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Revista Médica del Uruguay

versión impresa ISSN 0303-3295versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390


CARLOMAGNO, Adriana et al. Unscheduled hospital readmissions and associated risk factors in internal medicine and pulmonology services. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2024, vol.40, n.4, e204.  Epub 15-Nov-2024. ISSN 0303-3295.


Early identification of risk factors associated with unplanned hospital readmissions is essential for improving the quality of care and reducing healthcare costs.


To determine the frequency of readmissions and the associated risk factors in the Internal Medicine and Pulmonology services of Hospital Maciel during the period from July to September 2023.


A cross-sectional descriptive study. The study population was divided into two groups: the admission population, which includes all patients admitted to the internal medicine and pulmonology wards, and the readmission population, consisting of patients who were admitted during the same period and had at least one admission in the last 6 months. The interviewers used electronic medical records and structured interviews. A descriptive analysis was conducted to characterize both populations and identify the risk factors associated with readmissions.


One in four patients constitutes a readmission. The readmission group has a higher proportion of males, greater dependence, and a higher number of comorbidities compared to the admission group. Approximately 70% of patients who are readmitted have between 2 and 3 readmissions, and 41.6% are readmitted within the first 30 days. Chronic kidney disease, ischemic heart disease, and smoking were identified as the main predictive conditions for readmission. Most patients had several consultations in outpatient clinics and in the emergency department prior to readmission. The median time between previous discharge and the first outpatient consultation was 10 days (IQR 6-26).


This study showed that hospital readmissions were frequent, recurrent, and early. The risk of readmission was more strongly associated with comorbidities than with access to the healthcare system. It will be necessary to consider these results for future studies and for the implementation of health measures.

Palabras clave : Hospital readmissions; Comorbidities; Accessibility to the healthcare system.

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