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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versión impresa ISSN 0303-3295versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390
ELICEGUI, Valentina y PONTILLO, Mauricio. Endoscopic stenting for palliation of Stage IV gastric cancer with malignant gastric outlet obstruction. A clinical case. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2022, vol.38, n.1, e701. Epub 01-Mar-2022. ISSN 0303-3295.
gastric cancer is the fifth neoplasm in terms of global incidence and its diagnosis often comes late. Gastric outlet obstruction is a frequent complication that influences prognosis and treatment. Among the various modalities available for palliation of this complication, we stand out two: surgical treatment by means of a digestive derivation: gastrojejunostomy and endoscopic treatment, by placing a stent or a steel mesh self-expanding endoprosthesis (EMP).
The study aims to present the clinical case of a patient carrier of advanced gastric cancer with gastric outlet obstruction, who was treated by placing a self-expandable metallic stent. Comparative bibliography of both techniques is controversial. A number of important studies recomend the surgical technique instead of endoscopic treatment, and viceversa. For this reason, several studies have been conducted. The potential benefits of endoscopic palliation are the following: shorter hospital stay, fast return to oral intake. However the clinical case presented did not benefit from a shorter hospital stay, since it required longer hospitalization, partly due to medical comorbilities. There were no complications after the procedure.
the specific technique to treat the condition needs to be chosen for each individual case, considering the particular patient and his or her comorbilities, technical resources, the experience of the medical staff and economic resources. More studies are necessary to prove the benefits of the most appropriate palliative technique.
Palabras clave : Stomach neoplasms; Gastroduodenal stenosis; Endoscopic palliation; Self-expandable metal prosthesis..