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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versión impresa ISSN 0303-3295versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390
GUASTAVINO, Andrés et al. Analysis of results for colorectal cancer surgeries performed between 2015 and 2020 in a General Surgery University Hospital. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2022, vol.38, n.1, e205. Epub 01-Mar-2022. ISSN 0303-3295.
colorectal cancer is frequent condition which evidences growing mortality rates in our country. A dramatic improvement in laparoscopic surgery is evident, and it also applies to colon cancer surgery. Analyzing the impact of this technique on oncologic radicality and survival is of the essence.
to determine the clinical characteristics of patients with colorectal cancer in the Surgical Clinic A. To describe our experience in the laparoscopic and conventional approaches to colon cancer surgery. To prove whether quality standards are observed based on: conversion rates, short term results (morbimortality) and oncologic quality.
descriptive, retrospective study in a five-year period (June 1, 2015 to June 1, 2020). Data was collected for all patients who underwent elective colon cancer surgery with curative purposes.
61 patients were recorded, 32 (52%) of which were men, with an average age of 63 years old. Thirty-two (52%) conventional and 29 (48%) laparoscopic surgeries were performed. The conversion rate was 17%. Morbimortality was 29.5%, being the suture failure rate 12.5%. 30-day mortality rate was 8%. Average surgical time and lymph node count was similar for both approaches.
laparoscopic approach of colorectal cancer is feasible and safe in the mid and long term, and the advantages of a minimally invasive surgery are worth considering. Our results are comparable to international quality standards.
Palabras clave : Colorectal neoplasms; Laparoscopy; Morbidity and mortality; Analysis of results.