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Revista Médica del Uruguay

versión impresa ISSN 0303-3295versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390


TRISTANT, Martina  y  GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, Daniel. Massive laparoscopic splenectomy for marginal zone non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2021, vol.37, n.3, e702.  Epub 01-Sep-2021. ISSN 0303-3295.


despite the fact that laparoscopic splenectomy for massive and supramassive splenomegaly constitutes a technical challenge, it is a feasible and safe procedure in the context of institutions with experienced teams in laparoscopic surgery.


to present the first case of laparoscopic splenectomy for massive splenomegaly in Uruguay.

Clinical case:

the study presents the case of a 70-year-old patient carrier of peripheral pancytopenia, massive splenomegaly and a diagnosis of type B lymphoproliferative neoplasm based on bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, who underwent diagnostic and therapeutic splenectomy.

The patient was operated in supine position with a 15-degree tilt, the trocars were placed under direct view, adapted to the size of the spleen which went from the diaphragm until the superior pelvic outlet. Splenectomy was performed in 220 minutes, the entire piece was removed through a hemi Pfannenstiel incision, without placing it in a bag, the wall being protected with a surgical wound retractor. There were no complications and the patient was discharged from hospital 48 hours. The blood count performed after 24 hours evidenced increase in all cell series and the pathology report confirmed diagnosis of marginal zone non- Hodgkin lymphoma.


laparoscoppic splenectomy in massive splenomegaly requires of a greater surgical time, although blood loss and hospital star are lower when compared to conventional procedures and evidence similar morbility. The initial experience of surgical teams reports 30% of conversions and readmissions.

Palabras clave : Massive splenomegaly; Splenectomy; Laparoscopy; Lymphoma, non-Hodgkin.

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