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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versión impresa ISSN 0303-3295versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390
ARRIOLA, Marta; LOPEZ, Leticia y CAMAROT, Teresa. Clinical and epidemiological profile and functionality achieved in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury assisted at the Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine Service at the University Hospital. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2021, vol.37, n.2, e207. Epub 01-Jun-2021. ISSN 0303-3295.
Traumatic spinal cord injury may affect all functionalities of the spinal cord, what determines limitation in activity and restrictions in participation. Learning about its epidemiological profile is of the essence to plan healthcare, resources and preventive actions. The Rehabilitation Chair has a long history in providing healthcare to people with traumatic spinal cord injury in multidisciplinary teams. Data has been recorded since 1987, which information was analysed and presented at the National Neurology Conference in 2004.
to describe the socio-demographic, clinical, functional and therapeutic characteristics of our population.
we conducted a longitudinal, retrospective, descriptive and analytical study of the entire population assisted between 2004 and 2017.
n=70, 86% male, 40±18 years old. The following causes were found: falls 36.4%, road accidents 31.8% and violence 28.8%; cervical level 57%, dorsal spine 40% and lumbar spine 3%. Initial ASIA impairment scale was 36.2% A, 13.8% B, 22.4% C and 5.2% D. Final ASIA impairment scale was 29.0% A, 3.2% B, 27.4% C, 25.8% D. 45% achieved independence in everyday basic activities, 60% transfer independence and 45% independent gait.
the number of new cases decreased in the last 4 years and the etiological profile changed. Young men prevailed, lesions caused by falls, road accidents and violence were the most frequent, incomplete quadriparesis, followed by complete and incomplete paraplegia. The most frequent complications were nephro-urological and pressure sores. As to the functionality achieved, most patients were dependent in every day life activities, they could transfer independently and could not achieve independent gait.
Palabras clave : Spinal cord injuries; Rehabilitation; Etiology; Epidemiology.