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Revista Médica del Uruguay

Print version ISSN 0303-3295On-line version ISSN 1688-0390


RAMOS ARIM, Virginia; FABRICA BARRIOS, Carlos Gabriel; SILVA PEREYRA, Valentina  and  CAMAROT GONZALEZ, Teresa. Space-time assessment and mechanical energy transfer during gait in a patient with a CVA: a pilot study. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2017, vol.33, n.1, pp.166-186. ISSN 0303-3295.


individuals who suffered a CVA present an asymmetrical gait. It is important to learn about the angles in the hip, knee and ankle during different events in order to contribute to their recovery, although this does not allow the calculation of the degree of fulfillment in stepping with minimum energy output.

The study of the center of mass mechanics during gait may contribute in the latter. This contribution, once discussed and assessed, together with the angle values would enable a better understanding of the complexities of gait following a CVA.


to apply a tool to assess the best use of mechanical energy in the gait of CVA patients, and to discuss results considering angle values observed in lower limbs.


we conducted a three-dimensional reconstruction study of movement with a Vicon Motion Systems equipment in a CVA patient and a healthy individual. Angles in the hip, knee and ankle were assessed in the sagittal plane during different gait events, and the energy exchange was estimates by means of Energy recovery (R) calculation.


The CVA patient presented a gait pattern where flexion of both lower limbs prevails during the contact phase and R was significantly lower (33%) than that of the control individual (56%). These results suggest there is an association between angle values and energy in the calculation of R. The approach has potential for clinical usefulness in the analysis of gait in individuals following a CVA.

Keywords : Stroke; Gait biomechanics..

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