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Revista Médica del Uruguay
Print version ISSN 0303-3295On-line version ISSN 1688-0390
DOMENECH, Diana et al. Capacidad resolutiva del primer nivel de atención: experiencia de la Unidad Docente-Asistencial de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria de Paysandú (2014). Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2016, vol.32, n.3, pp.137-144. ISSN 0303-3295.
Abstract Introduction: resolutivity in the first level of care is an essential quality of the health system since this has an impact on the other levels of care and on emergency services. In our country, an emphasis has been made on the need for a first level of care that is resolutive, based on the overload borne by the second level of care services and the doors at the emergency rooms in hospitals and private clinics which, among other aspects, results from the low resolutivity of the first level of care. Objectives: to evaluate consultations which required transport to the emergency services of the National Administration of Health Services or the Corporación Médica de Paysandú (COMEPA), and the references made to specialists in the second level of care by the Teaching Unit Healthcare Service N° 74, Paysandú in 2014. Method: observational, descriptive study of a cohort, conducted in five services of the first level of care in Paysandú, using specific recording instruments. Results: out of 8,265 consultations, 75 required transport to the emergency services (0.9%), the majority being young adults, between June and September, mainly due to respiratory conditions, an ambulance being required in 49% of cases. 5% (n=415) of all consultations were referred to the second level of care, most of which were adults over 45 years old, mainly due to eye conditions and associated pathologies, the circulatory and the musculoskeletal systems. Conclusions: resolutivity in the Teaching Unit Healthcare Service of Family and Community Medicine of Paysandú is high, competences in this discipline are highly valued and it can be further improved by allocating greater material resources (an ophtalmoscopy for instance).