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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390
PREGO, Javier et al. Simulación de alta fidelidad en emergencia pediátrica: primera experiencia en la formación de posgrados y residentes de Pediatría. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2014, vol.30, n.4, pp.247-254. ISSN 1688-0390.
Abstract Introduction: high-fidelity simulation in the health context appears to be an innovative strategy to train students, since they undertake an active role that them enables to face situations that are similar to real life situations, in a protected an risk-free environment. Objectives: to communicate the first high-fidelity simulation experience that includes pediatric emergency scenarios, geared to pediatric postgraduate students. Method: two workshops were organized: cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and initial pediatric trauma care. Learning outcomes were defined , cases and problems were selected, as well as the number of students and professors, skills to be developed and material needed were agreed, and a check-list was prepared for each activity which included three stages: briefing, scenario y debriefing. Results: fifty eight postgraduates took part in the workshops. The chance to be trained in emergency situations, learning through the identification of mistakes and teamwork were identified as strengths. Weaknesses found included scenario credibility and roles played. The quantitative assessment of the activity accounted for 8.7; median was 9. Discussion: the methodology was widely accepted. The study pointed out the need to repeat training courses with the purpose of maintaining the level of skills. Developing learning techniques that enable training in practical activities without compromising patients’ safety constitutes a challenge for professors. High-fidelity simulation contributes to accomplishing skills and it is likely to gain more spaces and adherents. Conclusions: high-fidelity simulation as a teaching method applied to pediatric emergency training was assessed as a good experience for pediatric postgraduates and residents.