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Revista Médica del Uruguay

On-line version ISSN 1688-0390


CATENACCIO, Valentina et al. Uso de antibióticos en la comunidad: el Plan Ceibal como herramienta para promover un uso adecuado. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2014, vol.30, n.2, pp.104-111. ISSN 1688-0390.

Abstract Introduction: the irrational use of antibiotics is a frequent drug-therapy related problem that is scarcely described at the community level in our country. Objective: to make a diagnosis of the situation on the use of antibiotics at the community level through an educational intervention in Schools by using the Plan Ceibal XO personal computers. Method: the study was conducted by students and professors from the School of Medicine, technicians from the Pharmacy Division of the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center and students and teachers of Form 5 and Form 6 in three public elementary Schools in Montevideo, in 2010. The elementary school students applied the survey to evaluate the use of and beliefs about antibiotics in their community. The initial processing of data was done with the XO computers. Results: one hundred and eighteen surveys were analysed. In one hundred and three cases they had taken antibiotics in the last month. In most cases it had been prescribed by a doctor; there were six cases of self-medication. The most frequent indication was respiratory infection. The most widely used antibiotic was amoxicillin. Thirty two out of 69 cases revealed there were problems in the information received in connection with the use of syrup. The study pointed out the belief that any infection is cured with antibiotics and that these do not have side effects, or their adverse effects are unheard of. Conclusions: beliefs that favor the irrational use of antibiotics were evidenced, and these were probably associated to cultural models. Educational interventions since early ages within the school environment result in innovative ways to address these problems in the community.


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