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Revista Médica del Uruguay

versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390


LUZARDO, Leonella et al. Cohorte GEFA-HT-UY (GEnotipo, Fenotipo y Ambiente de la HiperTensión Arterial en UruguaY): Protocolo y primeros resultados. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2013, vol.29, n.2, pp.103-113. ISSN 1688-0390.

Abstract Introduction: essential high blood pressure results from complex interactions between genotype, phenotype and the environment. The GEFA-HT-UY study aims to analyse the role of different cardiovascular and renal phenotypic traits and their connection with genetic and environment factors in a random sample of the population in Montevideo. Method: cohort observational and analytical study of the population. The study which was first designed and planned in 2011, being data collected in April 2012. The sample consists of 150 families (approximately 450 individuals), randomly chosen from the population in a certain geographical area in Montevideo. Basal determinations include recording relevant events in medical history, anthropometric measures, blood pressure measurements at home, at physician's office, self-monitoring of blood pressure and ambulatory monitoring of peripheral and central blood pressure. ECG, echocardiogram and arterial stiffness are recorded. Blood and urine samples are taken for biochemical tests, with a focus on risk factors for cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease, as well as evidence of target organ damage. During follow up the incidence of new cardiovascular and renal events will be evaluated. Results: this publication aims to inform the protocol, and also to present the results for the first 36 individuals who have already completed it. Discussion: follow-up of the cohort will provide relevant and original data on hypertension and its association with the development of cardiovascular and kidney disease.


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