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Revista Médica del Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 1688-0390
OTERO GONZALEZ, Gabriela; AGORIO NORSTROM, Caroline and MARTINEZ ASUAGA, Miguel. Úlceras de miembros inferiores: características clínico-epidemiológicas de los pacientes asistidos en la unidad de heridas crónicas del Hospital de Clínicas. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2012, vol.28, n.3, pp.182-189. ISSN 1688-0390.
Summary Chronic ulcers of the lower limbs constitute a serious medical issue that mainly affects the elderly. These ulcers result in great morbility figures and affect the patient's quality of life, while constituting a significant economic burden for health systems. Objective: To determine the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with chronic ulcers of the lower limbs who are seen in our polyclinic. Method: We conducted a prospective, observational study of the patients seen from August, 2009 through June, 2010. Results: Sixty four patients were evaluated, 53.1% were female and 46.9% were male. Average age was 65.7 years old. In terms of their educational level, it was low, 6.3% were illiterate and 67.2% had only completed elementary school studies. Only 1.6% reached, though failed to complete, tertiary education. Average income of the family was 7752 Uruguayan pesos. In 70.3% of cases ulcers were venous, and in 15.6% of cases ulcers had a combined etiology. Forty eight point four percent of cases presented more than one ulcer and it is worth mentioning that 57.8% of them showed they were more than two years old, and 59.4% of patients had a history of previous ulcers. Upon progress of the condition, 18.8% of the patients were discharged from hospital, 60.9% continued with treatment and 20.3% abandoned treatment. Conclusions: In most cases, etiology of the ulcer was venous and it is worth mentioning that patients evidenced a low social an economic level and their ulcers had been present for a long time, what constitute negative facts influencing outcome.
Keywords : LEG ULCER.