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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390
ALBERTI, Marta y LORES, Rosario. Devolución de resultados de necropsias en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de Niños del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell. 1ª Experiencia Nacional-Estudio Cualitativo. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2012, vol.28, n.3, pp.174-181. ISSN 1688-0390.
Summary Introduction: traditionally, autopsies in the pediatric context have focused on how they are requested, rather than on reporting results to parents. In 2004 autopsies requests were included in the protocols at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Objective: we aimed to conduct a qualitative research to study the way autopsies results are reported back to parents. The objective was to evaluate the information arising from autopsies as a new way to relate with families Method: we reported autopsy results in a personalized and systematic way to parents and we recorded interviews, with their prior consent, in order to analyse them subsequently. We based our study on the Glaser and Straus grounded theory method, a method used to find out theories, concepts, and hypothesis originating from data rather than on a priori assumptions.TO that end, two strategies are applied: constant comparison and theoretical sampling. The sample ends when no more data that contributes to the object of study arises. Results: 3,879 patients were released from the ICU from January, 2005 through December, 2009, 215 of which died, representing a 5.5% mortality rate. Judicial autopsies was carried out in 42 cases and in 98% of the remaining deceased, the authorization to perform the autopsy was requested. Autopsy was authorized in 54 cases and it was performed in 52 cases. Results were reported to relatives in 48 cases. In two cases the treating physician was informed about results, in one case it was the institution and in one case there was no reporting of results. Discussion: in terms of results, we stand out two findings: the structure the interview should follow and the categories defined in connection with the parents' needs when facing the interview. Last, the bioethical perspective of the information given to parents was analysed.