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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390
HERNANDEZ, Pablo; MARTINEZ, Fernando y MORAGUES, Rodrigo. Importancia de la biopsia estereotáxica en el diagnóstico de lesiones encefálicas. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2009, vol.25, n.3, pp.173-180. ISSN 1688-0390.
Summary Introduction: in patients that are carriers of encephalic expansive lesions, the diagnosis of the nature of the process, as well as its anatomo-pathological characterization are essential in order to decide upon the appropriate treatment for each case. When the process is deep, it is located in an eloquent area, or there is reasonable suspicion that it is a process that can be treated with pharmacological or radiant measures, estereotaxic biopsy appears to be as a minimally invasive technique for obtaining tissue samples for its subsequent analysis. Objetives: to present the casuistic corresponding to estereotaxic biospies performed in the Tacuarembó Regional Hospital and the Maciel Hospital, and to emphasize on their importance and their low risk of complications. Method: we conducted a retrospective descriptive study of cases operated from December, 2004 through December, 2008 at the above mentioned hospitals. 18 estereotaxic encephalic lesions biopsies were performed. CAT scan was used in all cases to localize the biopsy site, and all procedures were performed under local anesthesia. Results: out of the 18 biopsies performed, 15 of them corresponded to tumours, there was one case of abscess, one of demyelinating disease and there was no conclusive evidence in one of the cases. As to post surgery complications we observed one case of asymptomatic intra-tumour hemorrhage. Conclusions: estereotoaxic biopsy constitutes a safe, minimally invasive method, with a low rate of complications to obtain histological or bacteriological diagnosis of encephalic lesion, without needing an open sky approach, or oncologic treatment without the anatomo-pathological diagnosis.