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Revista Médica del Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 1688-0390
CONTI DIAZ, Ismael A and MANE GARZON, Fernando. Historia del favus (tiña fávica) en Uruguay y de la demostración de su naturaleza microbiológica. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2008, vol.24, n.4, pp.277-281. ISSN 1688-0390.
Summary Presentation of a summary of the history of the favic tinea (favus) in our country, including considerations in connection with the discovery process of the microbiological etiology of the disease, which significantly preceded precise knowledge on bacterial diseases. The first cases of autochthonous favus in Uruguay were described by Duprat in 1908, and subsequent observations were reported by Brito Foresti in 1918 and by Tiscornia Denis and Mackinnon in 1935, totalling 12 patients. Later on, Mackinnon reviewed the mycological literature between 1946 and 1956 and reported 12 more cases. The disease had disappeared from Uruguay until recently, with the exception of the Trichophyton schöenleinii agent being isolated in 1961, in one of two sisters, who were carriers of typical chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis lesions. The fungal nature of favus was demonstrated by three researchers: German Schöenlein, who in 1939 managed to prove the presence of fungi in favic lesions; Hungarian Gruby, who in 1941, after observing the ideological agent in lesions, managed to transmit the disease to other people and to himself; and Prusian Remak, who managed to self-inoculate it in his own forearm, to cultivate the fungus in apple pieces and named it Achorion schoenleinii (today Trichophyton schöenleinii).
Keywords : TINEA FAVOSA [history]; TINEA FAVOSA [etiology]; URUGUAY.