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Revista Médica del Uruguay

On-line version ISSN 1688-0390


LLAMBI, María Laura et al. Factores predictores de éxito en el tratamiento del tabaquismo. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2008, vol.24, n.2, pp.83-93. ISSN 1688-0390.

Summary Introduction: current treatments for tobacco use and dependence attain quitting percentages around 30% for the long term. Identifying predicting factors for success would enable more suitable therapeutic interventions, thus improving results. Objective: to learn about quit rates in a tobacco dependence program and to identify the treatment’s predicting factors for success. Method: a descriptive study was conducted and cut off points were analyzed. Variables studied included: age, sex, level of education, living with people who smoke, number of cigarettes per day (cpd), Fagerström test, previous periods of smoking abstinence, tobacco-dependent diseases, history of depression, physical exercise, modality and adherence to treatment, use of drugs. Patients were contacted by phone, a year after they had finished treatment. Abstinence (self-reported) was defined as not having smoked in the last 30 days. Results: 143 people were contacted: 55.9% of them were women, average age was 46. Quit rate a year after was 35%. Significantly better results (p=0,009 y p=0,039, respectively) were achieved when the cpd was < 20 cpd. The Fagerström test was < 4, and the same was found when there was no history of depression (p=0,043), when people practiced physical exercise(p=0,011), when they adhered to the treatment (p<0,001) and use of drugs (p<0,001). Multivariate analysis showed that adherence to treatment, use of drugs and the absence of a history of depression increases three to four times the chance for success. Conclusions: specific drugs, adherence to treatment, and the absence of a history of depression proved to be predicting factors for success of treatment. A wider access to pharmacological treatment is fundamental to increase the abstinence for the long term.

Keywords : SMOKING CESSATION; SMOKING [therapy]; SMOKING [prevention & control].

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