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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390
LABORDE, Amalia et al. Estudio epidemiológico de una población expuesta laboralmente a plomo. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2006, vol.22, n.4, pp.287-292. ISSN 1688-0390.
Summary Since Antiquity workers have been exposed and contaminated by lead. The Uruguayan circumstances define it as a re-emergent situation from an epidemiologic point of view. A descriptive study of workers of a battery storage cells factory took place during 2003. Serum lead levels obtained during labour activity was higher that the admitted maximal value for exposed workers –30 µg/dl–, according to the Decree 337 - Ministry of Public Health. Mean values for serum lead after suspension was 29,4 µg/dl. The descending percent of serum lead during one year exposure-free may be considered as an indirect indicator of body lead charge. Serum lead values do not correlate with clinical symptoms and signs, nor biochemical or hematological alterations expected in lead intoxication. These results confirm that serum lead quantification is an indicator of exposure while workers are exposed, and its relative value as diagnostic criterion of intoxication.
Palabras clave : Intoxicación por Plomo [ epidemiología]; Intoxicación por Plomo [ diagnóstico].