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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390
BERNADA, Mercedes et al. Infección urinaria en niños: evaluación imagenológica . Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2005, vol.21, n.3, pp.222-230. ISSN 1688-0390.
Summary Urinary tract infection (UTI) is frequently seen in pediatry and it is considered as a biological marker of anatomic and functional disease of the urinary system in children. A prospective study took place in four Uruguayan state hospitals at the aim of: to know the prevalence of the associated nephrourinary disease, to compare the voiding cystourethrography (VC) results of two collections, to analize in infants younger than 2 years, scintigraphy findings related to ‘suggestive parameters of acute pyelonephritis’ (AP), and to determine centellographic progression of the disease. All infants carriers of urinary tract infection underwent renal and urinary ecography. Voiding cystouretrogra-phy was performed in infants under five years and some selected children older than this age, in two periods: one month after the urinary tract infection and during the treatment. Acute renal scintigraphy was performed in infants under 2 years and some selected children. The study included 168 children. Results were as follow: 21% of echographies showed alterations; 30% of VC were pathological (26% of the male population and 32% of female population). In the second period, studies increased significantly but no differences related to the quantity and severity of vesico-uretral reflux were seen (total: 26%). Half of the scintigraphy results were pathological, especially AP images. Under two year-old infants with at least two ‘suggestive parameters of AP’ showed normal scintigraphy in half of the cases. Anatomic and functional assessment of the urinary system to all children since their first UTI is highlighted
Palabras clave : PIELONEFRITIS [cintigrafía]; INFECCIONES URINARIAS [cintigrafía]; UROGRAFÍA [ utilización]; CINTIGRAFÍA [ utilización].