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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390
CURTO, Sergio; PRATS, Omar y AYESTARAN, Ricardo. Investigación sobre factores de riesgo cardiovascular en Uruguay. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2004, vol.20, n.1, pp.61-71. ISSN 1688-0390.
Summary Cardiovascular disease leads death causes and is among causes of high prevalence in Uruguay, as in many other countries. On this basis, research into characterization and quantification of principal risk factors and preventive public health behaviour are fundamental to prevent and control these affections. Prior studies have shown high prevalence of obseity or overweight (51%) and hypertension (21% to 46%). The study included a representative randomized sample of the population in Uruguay of 1959 people (produced by Area de Epidemiología de la Comisión Honoraria para la Salud Cardiovascular and Clubes de Leones - Distrito Múltiple J - Uruguay). Principal risk factor characteristics related to circulatory disease were found as follow: smoking (45%), sedentarism (28%), obesity and overweight (53%) and hypertension (22%). Results showed a high proportion of smokers and and important group of former smokers; hiypertension data were compatible with prior studies; high proportion of obesity and averweight for both sexes and relevant proportion of sedentarism. Prevention and diffusion of risk factors, specially those related to physical exercise (accomplish minimal parameters and adequate control) since many people take exercise incorrectly and insufficiently.