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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390
DAJAS, Federico et al. Producción de radicales hidroxilo en sangre en pacientes ancianos hipertensos. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2004, vol.20, n.1, pp.12-18. ISSN 1688-0390.
Summary Free radicals seem to play an important role in the complex and multicausal process that leads to essential hypertension, particularly in the local regulation of capillary bed. Apart from the superoxide ion production in endothelial cells there are other factors that produce free radicals, specially hydroxyl radical, even when hypertension is treated with drugs and clinically controlled. Hydroxil radical production was study in patients with controlled hypertension and no other pathology, older than 65 years. Results were compared to a group of people with similar characteristics, some with hypertension, who were in an exercise and caloric-controlled program. Hydroxil radical production was determined by salicylate hydroxylation; derivative 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic (2,3-DHBA) by Liquid Chromatography of High Performance with Electrochemical Detection techniques. Levels of 2,3-DHBA after the interaction between plasma and salicylate molecules were significantly higher in patients with hypertension compared to control group. Patients with hypertension and under the exercise program showed a trend to decrease hydroxyl radical production. According to these facts, essential hypertension, even under treatment, is accompanied by a higher hydroxyl radical production that exercise and diet tend to diminish. Although we are not able to talk in terms of oxidative stress since antioxidant banners were not determined, hydroxyl radicals, if not neutralized, are involved in the vascular pathology observed in essential hypertension. The results support the idea to control radical production, increased in hypertension, as well as prescribing antihypertensive pharmacological treatment.