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Revista Médica del Uruguay
versión On-line ISSN 1688-0390
SERRA, María del Pilar et al. Prevalencia de diabetes en pacientes internados.: Factores socioeconómicos-culturales; educación de la enfermedad y dificultades para el tratamiento. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2003, vol.19, n.1, pp.34-44. ISSN 1688-0390.
Summary Prevalence and mortality are high in patients with diabetes mellitus. Economic and educational factors affect the course of the disease. No assessment studies that include these factors have been undertaken in our country. Objectives: to analyze the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in hospitalized patients, economic and cultural factors, knowledge of the disease and the difficulties of its treatment. Methods: a survey accounting for 345 patients, including a questionnaire about basic aspects of diabetes was filled in by 194 patients hospitalized in the Hospital Maciel and 151 patients in the CASMU (Centro Asistencial del Sindicato Médico del Uruguay). Results: the prevalence of diabetes in Hospital Maciel patients was 19.1% compare to 13.9% in CASMU hospitalized patients. The difference was significant. Educational level over primary school was 29% and 50% in Hospital Maciel and CASMU respectively. The patients hospitalized in the CASMU was higher (U$S 763 compared to U$S 360 in patients of the Hospital Maciel). No significant difference was observed in the populations that correctly answer more than 55% of the questionnaire about basic aspects of diabetes (61.9% and 63.8%, Hospital Maciel and CASMU respectively). Patients with diabetes reached the percent of correct answers in the following proportion: 67.8% (Hospital Maciel) and 90.5% (CASMU), the difference was significant. Information on diabetes came from the medias in 59% and 53%; patients with diabetes stated economic aspects as determinants of obstacles in the treatment in 60% (Hospital Maciel) and 77% (CASMU) of the cases. Conclusions: the prevalence of diabetes in hospitalized patients is twice or three times (13.9%-19.1%) in comparison with the prevalence showed in our country (7%). The CASMU population has higher educational and cultural level compared to the Hospital Maciel population. This variance may show the degree of knowledge about the disease in the population of patients with diabetes. Medias are the main source of information about the disease. The main obstacle to follow a treatment is economic.