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Revista Médica del Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 1688-0390
RODRIGO, Gustavo J. and RODRIGO, Carlos. Tratamiento inhalatorio en la crisis asmática severa. Rev. Méd. Urug. [online]. 2003, vol.19, n.1, pp.14-26. ISSN 1688-0390.
Summary A review of treatments by inhalation of acute asthma was undertaken. Although therapy by inhalation is widespread among practitioners, it is thought that inappropriate administration is frequently found, causing failed treatments and unnecessary expenses. This point becomes highly relevant since mortality from asthma has increased during the last decades and both patients and practitioners as well as paramedics lack of basic knowledge and skills to manage acute asthma. The objectives of a therapy by inhalation and its main aspects (physical, aerosol generator, pharmacology) were determined. The analysis and comparison included different systems for generating aerosols and diverse drugs to be inhaled, especially beta agonists, anticholinergics and inhaled corticosteroids. Other non-traditional treatments by inhalation such as magnesium sulfate and a gaseous mixture of helium are also shown. The discussion over various topics included systematic reviews or meta-analysis in order to determine preferences or to choose the treatment. The authors propose some therapeutic strategies on the basis of their experience supported by bibliography.
Keywords : ASMA [quimioterapia]; ASMA [- terapia]; ENFERMEDAD AGUDA; ESTADO ASMATICO [terapia]; AEROSOLES [uso terapéutico]; BETA AGONISTAS ADRENERGICOS [uso terapéutico]; ANTAGONISTAS COLINERGICOS [uso terapéutico]; CORTICOSTEROIDES [uso terapéutico]; TERAPIA POR INHALACION DE OXIGENO.