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Antropología Social y Cultural del Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 1510-3846
VALCARCEL, Mayra Soledad. El Islam como objeto antropológico: Estudio en Buenos Aires. Antropol. soc. cult. Urug. [online]. 2014, vol.12, pp.155-169. ISSN 1510-3846.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to present the research project we have started in the anthropological thesis: Muslim Women. Identity, Gender and Religion which, as its title suggests, is part of the complex field of Gender Studies and Religion. It is a preliminary work that we want to continue and deepen during the doctoral project. On the other hand, we take this instance to introduce the existing debates inside the Anthropology of Islam. Finally, we reflect on our fieldwork and some issues concerning the “the anthropologist´s job”
Keywords : Gender; Islam; Anthropology; Body; Identity.